Discover May 2016

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A famed paleontologist sparked controversy when he unearthed a massive dinosaur in the Sahara. His next adventure will be even bigger. We'll show you what Nizar Ibrahim has up his sleeve. The race is on to bring the first artificial pancreas to market, but who will win? Around the world, inventors and engineers are devising low-cost adaptations to climate change. Can they help the world's poorest people?

How much energy does a megacity consume? Two cities in the United States have a ravenous appetite. Eating fava beans can sometimes be a colorful experience, you'll find out why. And health journalist Amy Paturel shares a personal story about the fundamental changes that occur in people who survive near-death experiences. There's plenty more to satisfy curious minds in the May issue of Discover.

Outsmarting Climate Change on a Budget
by J. Harris
Low-tech adaptation strategies are helping people in developing countries cope with the dangers of a warmer world.

Tenacious to the Bone
by Gemma Tarlach
Paleontologist Nizar Ibrahim garnered fame — and controversy — when he found the largest predatory dinosaur ever known. Now he’s got even bigger plans.

Artificial Pancreas Makers Race to Market
by Dan Hurley
The technology, a potential life-saver for those with Type 1 diabetes, is almost here. Which team will be the first to bring it to patients?

Made in the Shade
by Steve Nadis
Webster Cash just might have figured out the best way to study exoplanets. Now comes the hard part.

Astronomy Discover