Recipe For a Supernova Poster

Item #81383

What do you get when you combine a massive star, a shock wave, and a stellar envelope? The Recipe for a Supernova poster breaks down the "ingredients" needed to produce the two general types of stellar explosions.

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What do you get when you combine a massive star, a shock wave, and a stellar envelope? The Recipe for a Supernova poster breaks down the "ingredients" needed to produce the two general types of stellar explosions.

Although you can't whip up your own supernova in your kitchen, you can learn how they are concocted in space. Type II and type Ia supernovae each form in different ways and have a variety of effects, all of which are shown on this cartoon-style poster.

 Size: 11" x 17" (folded to 11" x 8.5")

Astronomy Discover