Gross Anatomy: Make Your Own Squishy Human Body

Item #82300

Create colorful, squishy organs out of slime and putty! Parents can rest easy knowing they’re adding an element of learning to the slime trend every kid loves.
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It has never been more fun to learn! Engage children of all ages with STEM toys that will encourage them to explore, understand and be inspired by the world of science, technology, engineering and math.

This gross anatomy kit is sure to delight budding scientists and reluctant learners alike! While kids will love the slime-making element of this STEM kit, you’ll love that it has a built-in anatomy lesson. Learn about the organs that help our bodies function by creating squishy replicas of the heart, brain, lungs, intestines, and more. Mix up colorful slime mixtures, cast and stamp the shapes, then arrange the organs on a mini torso to visualize where they fit in the body.

Recommended for ages 8+

Brand: Thames & Kosmos
Astronomy Discover